During Victorian times it wasn't proper for a lady to call on a Gentlemen, so she was left watching and waiting for his visit.

"All things do go a-courting, in earth, or sea, or air,God hath made nothing single but thee in His world so fair!"
Emily Dickinson

Always innovative, the Victorians simply invented new ways to play at the old game of courtship.
Young ladies learned to signal their emotions with various items of apparel, and gentlemen quickly caught on to the subteties of silent communication.
Being handed a glove meant acceptance, whereas a mitten told a suitor to give up hope.
Drawing a handkerchief across a cheek whispered
"I Love You"
Twirling it in the right hand said sadly
"I love another"

Victorian Pansies

The Letter

My Victorian Paintings~Page 1

My Victorian Paintings 2

The Garden Path

Victorian Index


Judith's Porcelain Creations
